A big change in plans means a big change in plans……

Sometimes days just do not go as planned, and today was the poster child for that saying. I had every intention to be heading over to the current two St. Patrick’s in an effort to take some time to convert them to just one (remember we are moving from one location to another), BUT some upcoming work travel, kids, lacrosse, global warming, Bigfoot, and whatever else I can think of, made those best laid plans absolutely impossible. I clearly am the wrong kind of doctor to deal with this location schizophrenia. I didn’t even leave my office and head that way till just before 3.

The cool part however is that I will be able to get a lot of it done tomorrow. We have a clergy meeting tomorrow and I have it scheduled to meet at one place then another then back to the one place and then the other…..yep, it should be the most “moving” meeting I have ever convened if you know what I mean. So hopefully it will go well.
The even better part is that I will be joined by the former “Almost Reverend” Steve Sommerrock, who is now the Reverend Steve Sommerrock (he was made a deacon in Akron, Ohio on Tuesday….they used to make tires, now it is deacons). He will be joined by the still “Almost Reverend” Robert Jennings, our Parish Intern, the “How Did He Ever Make It to Become a Reverend” PT Morgan, and myself. Father Dan is playing St. Peter tonight in our mission in Nashville for a Tennebrae service, so as the first Pope we are giving him a pass of lifting anything….at least today.
But the best part is that it is almost done, and with no anticipated hitches, tomorrow should be a great day. Moving is tedious, but rewarding and not all that difficult. And although we joke about why we are doing this in Holy Week, the bottom line is that it is a good and welcome distraction from the stress and pressures of the Week.
It should be a great day, and I can hardly wait.

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