Holy Thursday……..

Gosh, I would have loved to post this this morning BEFORE the day began, but it was just not meant to be. I left home early and arrived home late, and there has been not rest in between. The MOVE has been completed, but the final touches on everything are yet to be done.

With that, for the first time in my entire ministry, I was not a part of a Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday) service. We had them all over, but I was working at the new St. Patrick’s getting ready for Easter. I will be at the Good Friday service tomorrow at St. Anne’s in Anderson, but that will be after working the day finishing up at St. Pat’s.
Holy Thursday however, is a very important day. Everyone remembers that famous DaVinci picture of the Last Supper, and that’s exactly what happened on this day…..no, DaVinci didn’t paint the picture on this day, but the actual Last Supper took place. Jesus, on the night before He died, shared a meal with His friends and took the bread and the wine, gave thanks and blessed them and then gave it to them….instituting the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. He commanded them also to do this when they gathered in remembrance of Him…..AND although it is not as well known, He also girded Himself with a towel and washed their feet….giving them an example of servitude. It is such a meaningful day, and it will be my ONLY year not a part of a service, I swear.
At least things are moving along at St. Patrick’s. I will take solace in the fact that I am taking part in the service of other people.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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