Oh Chaos….but it is LOOKING GOOD!

Yep, today is Holy Saturday, and yes, I have been doing A LOT of church work! We are finishing up the move of St. Patrick’s for the inaugural service tomorrow, and it has been moving along “swell.” (a word form my youth that reflects a bit of sarcasm). But we will open tomorrow. And all I have to worry about will be a sermon!

And in the midst of all of this, all I had to do today was a small commitment of TWO lacrosse games (at home) and Senior Night. Oh yes, there was a pitch-in that went along with that as well, so it was really not worrying me at all (it was swell). But THANK GOD that it not only went off without a hitch, but that it was perhaps the smoothest Senior Night that I have ever been a part of. My wife and her minions, the parents and players, and especially Assistant Coach Jack Russell made it a wonderful event! We have 9 Seniors, and as I understand it, we will graduate 9 as well. It was a pretty cool experience.
But as for me, it is back to the grind…..enough lounging around! Easter is upon us, and my sermon it not (nor a lot of other things I need to bring). But by this time tomorrow I should be asleep, and even more importantly…..DONE!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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