A worrisome post…..

I am writing this from Ferncliff, a retreat center in Little Rock, Arkansas where I am meeting with Church Leaders who do the same job I do until Thursday when we will return home. Ferncliff is a beautiful place, and a place I thoroughly enjoy, but it’s a place that is quite remote and one in which I have poor (meaning almost non-existent) communication possibilities. I do not have a cell signal, nor do I have a car……BUT my phone lists a call from what I fear may be my uncle. My Grandma Middleton, my mom’s mom who really shaped more of who I am with my grandpa than anyone, has been sick. AND, there was a missed call on my phone from a number in my uncle’s (her son’s) area code….and I am OUT OF MY MIND! My Blackberry Messenger will occasionally get a message off to Amanda, but there is no cell service. Please pray that it is just a fluke, and that my worries are unfounded. Sadly, this post may not even get out in a timely manor……..their Internet is down too! God Bless you my friends……please pray that my fears are unfounded…. Tommy+

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