Sure enough……

Well today has not been all bad. I was able to get a page out to my wife, who called my uncle, and who then was able to speak with me late this morning. Yes, the call was indeed about my grandma who was hospitalized yesterday in Goshen. She has been having a lot of trouble, and will be staying there as they get things under control. It is not anything I need to leave here for, so I will be staying until my scheduled return. We will head up to see her after church on Mother’s Day. And as for the situation down here, retreat center has repaired its Internet connection, meaning I can make and receive calls as well as get online…..that it as long as I walk down to the conference area where there is a signal. My room is not close enough to get connected, but at least I am not completely cut off. I have not seen my buddy Dempsey, which is disturbing. I have written about him twice before, the Ferncliff Conference Center Camp Dog. I really am afraid to ask. If he has moved away then so be it. But if he was carried off by some mountain lion of bear I just do not want to know. I watched a lot of “Lassie” as a kid and know things like that are real possibilities in places like this. I just hope to see him tomorrow. I have however been stalked by the “camp ducks.” It’s not that anyone has told me that is who they are, I just named them that. They see me and the start quacking loudly from wherever they are at. They are all females, and I think they see me as their king or something. I am sure it has nothing to do with the crackers and cookies I have snuck them out. But regardless, I am blessed by the attention. I need a good distraction here, and quite honestly they are it. And I will be supplying them for the rest of my time here. But as for tonight, I am done. A large group went to the movie theater, but I am just too tired, plus I am stressed by home and the fact that my team is playing tonight without me there. I have GREAT assistant coaches, but as my cell phone came back to life I had messages from a bunch of players who were going to miss a probable WIN that without them may be in question. It is upsetting. I hope I have assistant coaches tomorrow. I am sure they are livid. But from here I can do very little but pray. My grandma is in great hands and so is the team. I hope to receive a positive report about it all via spotty cell coverage, sometime tonight. Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Tommy+

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