Home, home at last………

I am pleased to say I arrived home and managed to get a few things done before this post. Scotty has an away game tonight, and I would have liked to have made it, but in all honesty, I was surprised to have enough energy to get home. I am receiving texts from the game, and at the half it is 4-4 playing a VERY good team. Scotty is apparently doing a great job.

Stephanie’s team also plays tonight in Arizona. They made the National Tournament, and are 0-1 in it now. They lost last evening in triple overtime to Cal Poly. It was heart-breaking for all of them I know. They went in #5 and will need to play well the rest of the way. But it is VERY cool to see them in the finals in her freshmen year.
I took this picture of our house tonight. The grass is a mess because of all the rain, and Scotty’s car is in the driveway because he likes to drive mine when I am gone, but despite all of it, it is my house and I am so blessed to be here. I left this morning from Little Rock pretty early and flew to BALTIMORE, because nothing says “between Little Rock and Indy” like Baltimore, and arrived here before the sun went down. Tonight I will sleep well. I am home…..home at last!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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