Where am I……..?

Yes, the picture is of Stephanie as Albert Einstein…….one of a few old ones that dealt with brilliance.

I was really committed to getting a lot done today, if only my brain would have cooperated. My Communion kit, which I normally carry with me was left on my desk at home AFTER I took the time to load it, and get everything ready. I felt like such a doofus when I was right by the home I was taking it to and realized I didn’t have it. It was a 45 minute drive to convict me of my own stupidity. Thank God I had already been convicted of it before……at least I didn’t bring my shaving kit instead.

But of course it meant I needed to reschedule, which I did for tomorrow. But in all honesty, I might need to move that to Wednesday instead. It will however get done.
I know many people say it is just a middle age thing, but quite clearly it is a big mind-change thing, I know. You have no idea how very dedicated I am to being meticulous about my life. It works well for me too. SO that’s why when I work so hard to do something and to remember it, and then forget it that it is a big deal to me. It no longer crashes me though…..I now just laugh it off and work harder.
Of course I wasn’t laughing until I got home and saw right where I left the kit. I put it there so I wouldn’t forget it. At least I remembered everything else!
So today is now in the past. Not my best day, but one I can improve upon tomorrow. And I do have something to do tomorrow……I only hope I can remember what it is.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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