The final game……

Well it has ended. Tonight we were eliminated tonight in the first round of the Regional Tournament 12-6 by Guerin Catholic High School. It was too bad too. We played pretty well and showed periods of brilliance in the second half, but in the end, we did not have it, and our season ended much too soon.

It has been a difficult season too, one riddled with injury and illness. In my fourth year as head coach we placed 15th in the end…..dropping from the top 5 the last two years. We struggled and seemed irritated with each other at times. It often happens when you struggle, but that’s what made the end of it all so amazing…..for unlike any other women’s lacrosse team I have coached, at the end there were a lot of tears.
Sure, it has been a struggle this year, but I really have the privilege of coaching some of the finest young women I know. It has been a real gift to me, and they are important to me. They are always welcome back to help coach and most do when they are home. I miss them all, but they are all worth missing. They are my extended family, and I am thankful for them, because I am blessed.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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