Of Angels of the coolest kind…….

I know I have said this before, but three year-olds are weird, especially ours.

Ben is a BIG fan of Transformers, not that he has ever seen the recent movies….just the cartoons, but he is a big fan. In fact, to Ben just about everything can be a Transformer, including him. So it was no surprise for us when I bought him a Blue Angel replica toy when we were on vacation, that he immediately thought is was “Starscream,” yep that’s right, the Transformer.
In time however, Ben began to understand that this plane was a toy of the real thing, and that the real Blue Angels were a group of really cool planes that he actually has watched a couple of times on the TV. SOOOO….., when I saw that the real Blue Angels were coming to Indiana this weekend, I made it a point to sneak him out into the country this afternoon where we parked the car, opened the hatchback, and sat to watch the most amazing group of fliers I have ever seen.
Well, at least I watched it. Despite them flying RIGHT OVER US numerous times, and despite all the tricks and turns and precision, Ben was about as interested as you see him in the picture holding up his model. Apparently most of his excitement and adventure is found within his own brain (sort of like my sport’s career). And we left there with me feeling incredibly let down…..I really thought he would be “out of his mind excited,” but he was not. I thought it was going to be a real special dad and son thing.
But at least I got to enjoy the show. These are some of the most elite pilots in the world, and their appearance at these shows is a big recruiting tool, as well as a really great way to make people proud of their country. There were many older planes too from every era. It brought to mind the many brave pilots serving now and who have served…..and many who gave their lives for us.
We live in the greatest country on earth, and although today it was lost on the boy, it was not lost on me. I will post another important story about this tomorrow, but for now let me say I am so proud to be an American.
And I loved this afternoon…..even though I had no toy. I just watched some of the greatest pilots on earth.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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