Zombie Tales…..

I wish I was able to take a better picture, but tonight’s picture is of Ben and his sister after he tricked her into watching “Toy Story” with him. If they both look like zombies in the picture (taken from my phone) please know that it has nothing to do with the phone or photographer……watching “Toy Story” is actually the number one cause of Zombism in the USA.

But the blessing in all of it is that they had fun. Steph was a good sport, and she enjoys being around Ben. They clearly have missed each other, and although as a parent I would like to believe that this had something to do with me, in fact it does not. Their relationships only find their genesis in us…beyond that it is all them.
I am sure not too many 19 year-olds would find watching a movie with a 3 year old something desirable…..but all our kids are tight with each other and don’t act out of obligation, but love. It is pretty cool to see and a real blessing upon my soul. And fortunately for me I have the entire summer to witness it firsthand!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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