Changing times…..

Yep, this is the car Amanda drives, and it is our nicest car. We however are selling it and getting her a used hybrid on Friday. It is not that it is not a great car, nor is it that we cannot afford it, but the new car will get close to 50 miles per gallon, and with TWO kids in college it will allow us to do some different things.

So Amanda’s car is for sale and it is a lot of car. A fully loaded sports car driven only by a little old lady to church on Sundays. It will make someone a great car because it is very well maintained and we also paid Stephanie to detail it yesterday.
But it brings me to my main point today, and that is how very disappointed I have been in the elected officials in charge of our economy. Everything has lost value, and in addition to that everything costs more now. Please do not misunderstand, Amanda and I are not hoarders of wealth or greedy, in fact we are quite generous. But what has happened to our economy has had an impact on not just our churches, but more importantly, the people they serve. Gasoline is now estimated to be 8% of a families budget, and when oil companies make BILLIONS and RECORD profits, something is wrong. And no, I am no socialist, I am a Capitalist. But I do object to massive subsidies and taxes that make this all so bizarre.
Anyway, come buy a car and enjoy. It is VERY FAST, just ask her……she gets pulled over all the time.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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