A party for Mona…..

Tonight as many girls as were available came together for a surprise party for our teammate Mona, (she is in the white top and in the center of the picture) who will be heading back to her native Germany before our lacrosse awards banquet in June. It was a great time, and it really did surprise her. And considering the end of the world tomorrow is becoming all the rage, I suppose it is good we got this party in on time.

Mona has been here all year, and she is the second exchange student we have had play lacrosse. She is just finishing up her Junior year hear, and thanks to things like the Internet and Facebook, we will be able to stay in touch throughout life…..or at least for as long as I live! I am happy about that too. Miles separate people, but thanks be to God we can now all still stay connected. I am happy, as we all are, to be able to stay in touch with Mona.
She has been a real joy, and we are going to miss her!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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