Apocalypse not…….

It was kind of a wasted opportunity. Some lunatic predicted the world would end (a rolling end through various time zones at 6pm) but I wasn’t doing a sermon tomorrow anyway. You can bet your life on the fact that I would have not started writing one till after six though….just in case.

Of course the world is FILLED with lunatics, and not just the ones who make such crazy predictions, but the people who follow them too. Naive people invested their life savings into the belief that this nut was not one, but in the end, they are the ones that pay the price…..and a great one indeed. Predatory pastors (they are a sorry lot) give the good ones of us a bad name. I am sure this will be played as some sort of “miscalculation” as it was the last time (yep, he has done this twice). But please donate even more of your hard earned cash to get him a better calculator…..after all he just loves Jesus and is working for Him……right.
But it is not just this guy, we see it all around us……there are many wolves in sheep’s clothing, and they are all around us. I is one of the reasons the work we do is so very important, vital in fact.
But there was indeed a smidgen of hope that I wouldn’t have to mow my lawn this week, so I guess that I will just have to buck it up and get at it. The Summer will be filled with sermons and grass…..as they all are. But I am not disappointed. If the world would have ended tonight my beloved Chicago Cubs would not be World Series Champions in the Fall.
And who would have wanted to miss that?
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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