Oh the humanity…..

Sometimes I just do not understand things…..things like why do I occasionally see seagulls in this part of Indiana, or things like why, oh why, can my son use the very same mower that I do, and the yard looks much better than my mow? I just do not get it, nor am I sure I want to.

Amanda told me that Scott thought I would not let him mow the lawn. I admit, I do love mowing, but it is not just my house and lawn, it is ALL OF OURS. So of course I said “yes,” although the result makes me wonder if it ought to be the last time. I hate it when they make me look bad, but honestly, I love driving up to the house and seeing the yard as he has mowed it. I am just happy that the camera on my phone is a piece of junk so you cannot easily identify him in the victory picture. (Though his dog is doing the victory roll) If Scott were just heavier and A LOT shorter I could just tell everyone it was me.
But soon he will be off to college and the lawn will just be mine, and apparently deteriorate considerably. We will all just have to live with it though. Mowing is a young man’s game and I am within 30 days of hitting 50!
I will next time just sit in a lawn chair with a beer or an iced tea and enjoy my transition to supervisor.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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