Zoom zoom right outta here………

Well that did not last long. Tonight we were able to sell and say goodbye to Amanda’s Mazda 6s sports car. It is a great car, and we loved it, but the fact that she told me the hybrid was currently getting 48 mpg made the pain less in us both. She is hard to impress, but she has been impressed with the hybrid. I suggested that we replace all our cars with them, and she seemed open to the idea. It would save a TON of money too. I have already driven 20,000 miles this year alone.

But the great news is that we have yet another free parking space here in our drive that will no doubt be filled up with some teenager’s car in but a moment. Our driveway is massive, but it always seems to be filled with cars. (We had six up till just a few hours ago.) But now there are just cars for each driver…Amanda, Tom, Steph, Scott, and Cassie. Lord knows however who may show up at anytime.
I am just thankful we were able to make this decision. My mother-in-law has driven a hybrid for years and has always been pleased with them. She is on her second. She walks and recycles and does all that stuff that my wife does….imagine that? So when we got the hybrid and my wife gave up her sports car and seemed to like it, she said she guesses she is kind of a “closet tree-hugger.” Nuts do not fall that far from the tree, but I love them both. They have taught me a lot.
So zoom zoom, bye bye Mazda 6s. You are a great car, and you will make that new family very happy I am sure. But as for me I am going to go put on a pair of earth shoes and eat a granola bar.
Oh, I will only do that in front of them. I am still a rebel……my non-hybrid car is a guzzler at 32 mpg……a real chick-magnet.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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