In memory of a giant…….

Who? Mike T (Michael Treinen), that’s who! And today is the day three years ago he entered into eternal life. We of course still celebrate his life as if he were still here with us, and in many ways he still is. He however is most likely tipping one back among the Saints of God watching all of us here.

If you are from Noblesville you know all about orange. My lacrosse team still wears orange practice pinnies. The Michael Treinen Foundation will hold an alumni game on June 18th at Hare Chevrolet Field to raise funds and awareness so that other families will not have to endure that which the Treinens had to.
But even more than that, today my mind turns to a young man who died much too soon, but who in the short time I knew him taught me a lot about living life. He was a lot younger than me, yet his wisdom was beyond his years. And I was blessed to know him.
Words certainly cannot express the pain and sorrow that so many in our community felt during Michael’s illness and his passing. And no one could ever even imagine the pain of the Treinen family. But Michael’s legacy lives on, and lives in us. I think of him every time I see anything orange.
And today, on May 25th, Mr. Ben wears his only orange shirt. I tried to get mine on, but I looked like an obese Fruit of the Loom guy…….Michael would I am sure find that funny……but I decided to not give him that chance. I will wear it next year my brother….when I am buff! God Bless you my friend. We miss you!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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