Dang! It’s been all about the love all along……..

Yes, one of these two now protects our country as a US Marine and the other is all about herself, but I recently learned something about one of them that has both excited and irritated me all at once.  And what I have discovered concerns the very touchy and hot button issue that many people deal with, “cat treats.”

You see, since Puddy (still pronounced like pudding….see Bugs Bunny for why) has been a kitten (see picture) we have always bought her cat treats.  Sure, we created an addiction as once they get them they are “hooked,” and constantly looking for a “fix.”  And Puddy has two specific times where she seeks her fix and both are quite predictable.  The first is in the morning just at that precise moment that you wake up just a little exhausted and look and see that you are able to go back to sleep for just a little more.  It is a great feeling at that moment, that is unless you are living with a cat in active addiction. Addicts can be obnoxious and she is, so you get up in the midst of that moment knowing that it is indeed far better than what you create in her by waiting.  The second is far less stressful as it is just her little pick me up (not literally as she is looking for some “smack*” (*-cat smack) and will be quite put off if you do not comply.

But over the years I figure we have spent roughly 60 million US dollars keeping this cat hooked.  So you can imagine my fear in the midst of the sub-zero cold snap here to discover I was out of those treats.  At first I did not know what to do, as for 11 years she has never detoxed.  I figured there might be anger and then possibly bloodshed as Dr. David Banner’s line came to mind, “you won’t like me when I am angry.”

So with no other options I took the empty bottle of cat treats and filled it up with her cat food, which of course we have in abundance as cat food is also known as “dog treats” and the reason she is fed up high.  And I then gave her this placebo with all the confidence of a bartender giving a vodka drinker water and telling him it is Grey Goose.  It would never work.

But to my surprise it did, and it has, and apparently it will continue to!  Ben calls things like this “solutions.” I call things like this “miracles.”  But regardless, my mind is racing with possible ideas.

You see, we will save a lot of money not buying cat treats, but Ben has a problem too.  I just need to now figure out how to trick him about Pop Tarts.  After all, it’s not about the treat, it just really all about the love.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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