The BIGGEST Loser…..

Well I cannot believe it, but I entered a family Biggest Loser challenge and am now a contestant in it. There are only 5 of us in it, my wife, my mother-in-law, and my wife’s sister and her husband. Of all of them I am the shortest. AND of all of them I am the heaviest. Dear Lord, I am ALREADY the Biggest Loser of them all!

But I will take this seriously….at least for 90 days. It ends on August 22nd and I have the opportunity to win CASH of which I will clearly use to buy PIZZA since I intend to be starving by then. But we will see. I may just get over this hump somehow.
But for now I will just CONTINUE to do the things I have been doing and see where I end up. I spent most of my life thin and in great shape. This body-style is really just post-stroke, but I am clearly over it. I want to get back to kicking sand in all the out of shape guys’ on the beach faces! We will see.
So pray for me to eat less, eat better, do more, and of course WIN. I love everyone in the contest, but when I turn 50 in just three short weeks and am eating a cake made out of celery I just may love them a bit less.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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