June 1st…..

Dear Lord it is June and there was so much I wanted to accomplish before this month in my life. Yep, I turn 50 in just 19 short days which means that turning over in my grave is not that far off on the horizon as well. But I will take it like any other well-adjusted middle-aged man…..I will probably forget it altogether and live as if I were a teenager again.

But really….I will get my AARP card this month. I have joked about it for years, but I really DO want all the discounts I can get. I travel quite a bit and can get the room discounts….PLUS with the card you earn the RIGHT to drive slowly in the fast lane with your blinker on….I can hardly wait.
But I should be respectful of all those (old curmudgeons) that have gone before me. I am just looking for the cheap senior coffee, but these folks really ARE old.
So for now I will be off to scout out where I will be eating those early bird specials later this month. I am liking the prospects. And I am just spry enough (and just young and hungry enough) to be able to hit perhaps two of them per night!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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