At the mercy of the feet of the master……

He looks so sweet when he sleeps……right!!! He is tricking you!

Scott and Ben share a room, actually they share two rooms and a bathroom in between. What they decided to do was to put both their beds in one and a couch, and a TV, (and a bunch of toys) in the other. They call it their suite (or better described “sweet”).

It’s a pretty great arrangement and would always be if it were not for Ben. At almost 4, Ben is a constant invader of privacy. And thus is the case most mornings when someone wakes up with him in their bed. Our door is always unlocked so he sneaks into our room often, but Scott’s bed is within just a few feet, so he is an easy mark.
And it really would not be so bad if he, as the littlest Tirman, didn’t take up as much room as, let me say, a room full of Tirmans. He has to keep his feet warm, and he will jam them underneath anyone he chooses. He also bring his toys, his blankies, and anything else he sees fit to bring (and at any hour) but it all becomes very crowded with him and all his possessions.
So this morning I was relieved to see that he had chosen his brother. (Steph and Cassie keep their door locked – Ben proofed). And quite honestly I think we may be onto something as I heard Scott ask him, “When did you sneak in here?”
I am hopeful that this could turn into a daily thing. My ribs are getting a workout when he sneaks in with us. He must be dreaming he is a soccer player.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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