Happy Birthday Dad……..

Yep, it’s true. And although I do not remember exactly, my dad either turned 316 today or he is 75 today…….it may be 316.

But in honor of his birthday I gave him a call (since I will see him tomorrow) and in honor of his birthday it was from my car as I was taking his grandson (Scott) to the ER to get a few stitches in his hand. He cut himself real good on a piece of slate as we were moving some things around our shed. But the cut, although deep, was pretty clean. Three stitches (one for each century dad) and then a band-aid for the 16 additional years. It was Scott’s gift to us both….seeing as he is aging me faster than I can stand.
But tomorrow we will be meeting for our annual birthday meet and exchange lunch/dinner. This year it will be a late lunch. With all the birthdays we have (Amanda 5/28, Dad 6/3, Scott 6/16, ME 6/19, Father’s Day 6/19, Ben 6/30) it is better for our diets to not eat that much cake! So tomorrow it will be Panera, turkey sandwiches, fat-free soup, and everything I want BUT CAKE.
So Happy Birthday Dad! It really IS 75, and I know it. Of course we hit all the BIG birthdays together……I will not harass you about 75, because it is a BIG ONE. Dear Lord, most people don’t live that long. But since I am just 16 days shy of 50 I will keep my mouth shut about how old you are……lest that sweet revenge rears its ugly head.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!
Tommy+ (still in my 40’s)

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