
My family…’ve got to love them. We met at two today at a local Panera, commandeered about four tables (that is 28 in dog tables), and enjoyed an abbreviated Tirman birthday celebration together. It was a fine time, and we were glad to take part.

But I am happy to be home because I have a lot to do. I will be doing two services tomorrow morning (sure, not as many as SAINT – Father PT Morgan who frequently does THREE! Seriously, just ask him…..well you really don’t need to. He tells EVERYBODY!) and then I will head to the airport for a trip to Washington DC for some training. So there is a sermon, some bulletins, some laundry, and some packing to do. If I just had some writers, a secretary and a maid or butler! THEN I would be done!
But alas, I will just make do with what I have handy……my broken down mind, my old printer/copier, and this broken down body! It doesn’t sound glamorous, but at least it is familiar!
Not bad for a guy almost 50!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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