Gullible’s Travels……

I find myself in a bit of a quandary. I am currently sitting AT the Indianapolis International Airport getting ready for a flight that I am prepared to board FAR TOO EARLY. I left to come here prepared for the usual, but I didn’t hit a light, there was no slow traffic, and I was past security in record time.

AND….I was patted down for the first time. It was not that I refused the full body scanner because I didn’t (I DID APOLOGIZE to the woman who called me through it….no one show be traumatized like that!) but apparently my Crucifix didn’t show up as clearly as it should have. (Yep, leave it to my boss to get me a TSA pat down…though partial)
But it was probably payback for leaving my family with the lion’s share of the clean-up from last night’s storm. Though I heard no sirens, SOMETHING hot our neighborhood last night. It was a violent storm and it damaged quite a few of our trees. We did not lose any, but there were many who did, and you can see the path as it went right through our yard. I send Scott out to buy a tree-extention saw, and I will buy a chainsaw on Wednesday and finish the rest. We did get quite a bit of the broken limbs that were still in the trees down before I left. There is still plenty to do.
But as for now I will finish this up and make my way back to the gate. (I have been typing here at a restaurant.) I have a good layover at Chicago’s Midway Airport where I always have dinner at Harry Caray’s on trips like these. No it is not on my diet, but I am doing pretty well.
I would take a picture for you to see here, but they (the TSA) are not fond of that. As a matter of fact, the last time I tried that I attracted A LOT of attention and they took my phone away to delete the pictures. BUT……I will post a fine-looking picture from DC tomorrow!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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