Redeeming a stressful trip……….

This trip is absolutely killing me.

Although I arrived in plenty of time, I never was given an itinerary of the training I am attending, nor was this place easy to find. I DID finally find it……approximately 2 hours early (because I didn’t know the start time) AND I sheepishly had to share that as the training breaks up tomorrow at 5, I will be getting on a plane IN CHICAGO to head home for my son’s last ever lacrosse banquet….once again because I didn’t know the time.
I also am staying at a hotel 18 miles away…..don’t ask please.
But if there has been a blessing in any of this is it that my flights in yesterday were late in the night……and when I arrived at the rental company they had given out all the compacts, which is what I had reserved. I do have to admit that I was a little disappointed in my car, as I began my ordained ministry in Florida where the white Crown Victoria was the “old people car of choice.” BUT as I took the car out on the highway what I soon discovered was the the white Crown Victoria is ALSO the “police car of choice” for most of the nation.
The bottom line is this……….I may be pretty frustrated and tired, BUT I have been living the sadist’s dream by coming up on jerky drivers quickly from behind and raising their ticket potential blood pressure. No, I do not do A THING to act like I am the police, nor would I….but I cannot deny that it has been a pleasure.
So just a few hours to go. But I have checked and I can still get the certification I am here to get. And thank God for that!
I would hate to think I came all this way just to mess with jerky drivers!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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