
Tonight, at his very last lacrosse banquet, Scotty was named the MVP of the team. It is a huge honor and an amazing accomplishment for him. We could not be more proud of him! He had a great year!

Sadly, I was notified of this via a text message and picture sent by Stephanie as I was driving from the airport. It absolutely broke my heart to miss it. I had been scheduled for my trip to DC long before the banquet was scheduled, but oddly enough I did leave in time to make it. I should have missed only the dinner part but would have been there for the awards. Sadly, Southwest Airlines had other plans for me.
When I arrived in Chicago I saw my flight to Indy was delayed, and I soon found out why. They were waiting for another plane from the west coast…..yep, it was about money for them. They accommodated a wrestling team from Washington State, and in doing so made it so I would miss one of the most important things of my son’s life. I was crushed. And I wouldn’t be so upset if it were not that not once has a plane ever been held for me. Quite the contrary, I get rebooked. And this was just a 35 minute (in the air) flight too. Thanks Southwest… seem to be bent on becoming a regular airline, and sadly that will make a difference to me. I will say I am loyal to things that I believe in, but this made me feel like I needed a shower.
But I will say I got to the banquet 5 minutes before it ended and went right up to Scott at the “senior table” and both congratulated him and apologized to him in that order. He was the JV MVP last year and the Varsity MVP this year. His life awaits………and he is off to a great start!
Way to go Scotty! I love you!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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