
Scotty’s graduation open house was tonight and it was a very nice event. Amanda and her mom organized the entire thing and did a marvelous job. I think we were all surprised it went so well, because the day did not start out that great at all.

Last night we had a pretty violent storm blast through the area. Not that we haven’t had a bunch of them over the past few weeks, but what made this one different was a direct lightening strike probably within 50 yards of our house. We knew what it was, but we didn’t get up. Lightening strikes someplace every time you see or hear it. And we learned as kids to count the seconds from when we saw it to when we hear the noise…..each second was a mile a way. SO…..when they are simultaneous, well then, it is HERE. (As a side-note, I was actually struck by lightening when I was 16. I remember pressure and waking up a good 15 to 20 feet from where I was standing but never heard a thing….everyone ELSE DID!)
Needless to say, we woke up with the tree you see in the picture leaning across the road behind our house and hung up on another huge tree still standing in our yard. The police had decided not to wake us, but to just close that part of the street. And at about noon a tree company came and cleared the road but made a mess (the town will get the rest of the stuff on Monday) But we were glad to have it down before the open house.
The sad, but kind of comical part, was a team, or a pack, or a flock…..I don’t know what you call it, of SQUIRRELS (there were four of them) were absolutely berserk in our yard all day. They obviously lived in that tree and were running around like nuts (more than squirrels normally do) and it was quite entertaining, but also quite sad. Oddly enough, the scary owl we bought to keep them out of Amanda’s garden they ran right by probably 100 times….yep right through the garden, but they were clearly stressed and I hope they find a new home here on the other side of the street in our yard…..particularly because God ejected them from theirs….literally.
But the nice part is that everything seems to be settled down and we are all ready for bed….actually everyone else is IN bed (with the exception of Steph and Cassie who are out), but I will head to bed as soon as I am done here.
Scott’s party was great, and Ben’s is just 14 more years away.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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