
Today is the Day of Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, and the day we celebrate the Holy Spirit coming to live with the Church. Yet for me, it has been an odd day. One, although I did officiate at two services, I was not scheduled to do the sermon at either. And to make matters worse, on this, the last day that my mother-in-law is visiting, Amanda and Steph are both covered with poison ivy! So we are kind of relaxing with two leopards with pink spots. Both are now on steroids, and more miserable than usual…..but I am committed to living another 50 years nonetheless.

But as I reflected upon the day (since I had to listen to Deacon Sommerrock’s sermon TWICE) I thought about my life and how I have been guided by that same Spirit thus far. It sure has been a journey, and one filled with many twists and turns at that. And although I would like to believe that at just one week shy of 50 that my life would be settled, yet I now feel perhaps more unsettled than I have ever been. AND, I am not quite sure what that means. Yet I will faithfully follow along.
So Happy Pentecost to everyone! My hope is that it has been a blessing to you. But the gift of God’s gift is that it is never stagnant… is new everyday. May it be a blessing to you in the future as well.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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