The BIG 18!!!!

Tonight as my oldest son Scott turned 18 I was reminded of one of my favorite Peter Sellers quotes from “A Shot in the Dark” where as Inspector Clouseau he says to the bellboy, “Keep up this good work and very soon I will see to it that you become a bellman.”

Yep, Scotty is now a legal adult, although as a genetic Tirman, the adult part may always be called into question. He is emancipated, can marry without my permission, enlist, buy cigarettes, lotto tickets, and go to federal prison….yep, no more possibility of being tried as a juvenile. He is in the big leagues with me, and we welcome him with open arms.
Tonight we went out to dinner and then came home for some cake. I sometimes think my mother-in-law had this “Biggest Loser” thing all planned out because we have a ton of cake-worthy holidays between May 28th (Amanda’s birthday) and June 30th (Ben’s birthday). We can gain weight by just attending 25% of these.
But the bottom line is that Scott turned 18 and seemed to have a great time.
Happy Birthday Scotty. I love you and I am proud of you! Here’s to 18 more good ones!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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