About my wife…….

Before writing tonight I should start with this disclaimer…….*no, I was not coerced at gunpoint, knifepoint, drugged, threatened, nor harmed in any way to write this.  And no animals were either.

But yes, this post comes to you generated by some guilt…..at least on my part, as last night my wife said to me, “Why don’t you write anything nice about me?”  I told her I always do, yet in her perception she apparently felt like many might think she is mean or kind of wife-ish (my term).  And this comes from the person who not only married me, but who insists she is far funnier than I am.  Yet when I tried to explain the concept of “sarcasm” it got about as much traction as that Geo Tracker we saw sliding off the road just an hour earlier.

But here’s the honest truth…..I love my wife.  There’s not a lot that is very funny or even interesting about that I would suppose, although in this day and age I do not see very many men admit it. (Actually, if I did hear any men admit THAT, these posts would be only as often as I could get on the computer at the State Prison, so I hope you understood that I meant a lot of men don’t publicly admit they love THEIR OWN wives)  But Amanda is really pretty awesome. She is pretty, funny, confident, smart (other than the whole marrying me thing), a great mom, and overall fairly together for a person who chose to go to, and graduated from Penn State.

In other words, as I OFTEN TELL HER, “Listen honey, no one looks at you and me together and thinks that I am the moron.”  I have got it good and I know it.  And if there is something wrong with her, as there certainly could be, I will be first in line to pray against any cure.  I really do like her the way she is and I am thankful for her.

Please understand, as she is “sarcasm-resistant” that there is absolutely no sarcasm whatsoever contained in this post.  It is all just plain old love and appreciation.  After all, she is the Kardashian to my Shapiro, or better yet for you younger folks, she is the OMG NO to my Justin Bieber.   I just mean it when I say I am blessed to be her husband.

And concrete reasons why are all around me, but tonight I will close with just one……Ben.  Tonight as I wrote this he was heading in to lay down with Amanda as she has a migraine and is now medicated and in bed (in came on quickly).  But Ben came in to tell me, quite seriously in fact, that he was going to go take care of her as she was sick……but first he needed to tell me something.  I asked, “what?”  And he said, “Dad, I know why you had your stroke.” So turning to him I said, “Why did I have my stroke?”  And he said, “Because you aren’t getting enough fiber.”

I am thankful I love her and she loves me, because you see it is not about who the funniest is at all, it all just basically comes down to DNA……after all, I know what side that little brain of his comes from and how it thinks.  And quite frankly I would be scared to live with that little mind on my own.

I love you Amanda, and thanks for marrying me, for staying with me, and for allowing me to believe that somehow, someway, that weirdness I can blame on you.  You really are a saint!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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