Expanding the delusions……

Oh no…..! In just a week, Ben has been exposed to some new stuff. Cassie and Steph got him to see some real Transfomers. He saw cool parts of Pirates of the Caribbean (the picture is actually of Steph as a pirate). He saw cool parts of Spiderman. AND, he now has “cool guy confusions.” He has no clue as which guy he wants to be. It is as if he has “multiple cool guy personality disorder” (if there is not such a thing there should be). And it is hilarious to watch.

Of course Ben has always bounced back and forth between things. He is just about as ADD as his brother. Of course Scott is now at the age where he will need to be a bit more focused. Plus people are a little put off by 18 year olds with swords.
But for now we will just see where this goes. Our house can be pretty weird at times and this week it just got weirder.
I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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