Today is my Grandma (Tirman) Keenan’s birthday. She was my dad’s mom, and she died in Florida in the 1970’s. She used to call me her “Prince Valiant,” which she meant as a compliment, but only a grandma could love a kid with hair like that. She always called me Tommy too. And to my dying day (which is ALWAYS getting closer) I will regret the time I told her that I hated that name and to call me Tom. After all, I was 11 with Prince Valiant hair, and you clearly are no more together than that in life.

But I loved my grandma and I miss her. I was never the best of sons, but I know I was an exceptional grandson. My parents divorced when I was young and I saw my dad sporadically. My mom worked and had very little interest in a troubled kid. My grandparents, particularly on my mom’s side (I will see my Grandma Middleton on Monday!) were really what kept my head above water. And I say this in all honesty……it was a big job. So this is to say that if you happen to have me as your priest you can blame my grandparents!
But today I am thinking about them all, but particularly midnight 38 years ago today when the bells ran on Main Street at Disneyworld. (We were about 50 yards up on the left in the picture) My grandma said, “Happy Birthday Tommy, I love you,” and hugged and kissed me. And I told her the same back. I have told that story on that same corner two other times at Disneyworld with my kids. I am sure they think I am nuts, but who cares. I turn 50 at midnight, and I am sure they have plans SOON for the nursing home for me. I no longer have the Prince Valiant hair, but if I did it would be grey…..and a real hit there.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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