Yep, today I turned 50, and it was a pretty wonderful day, although I heard at my age you cannot trust my judgment. But what did I care??? It was my birthday.

Of course it was also Father’s Day, and we had a nice celebration with presents, cake, and then we went out to dinner…….I of course suspect that all this is secretly being funded by both my mother-in-law and sister-in-law who have a vested interest in seeing me waddle to the scale in the Family Biggest Loser competition. And, if I die of heart disease, I am sure they will all go on a “comfort Amanda sympathy cruise.” But I know something they have forgotten…….today was it. And besides Ben’s birthday on June 30th, there is no cake, no big parties, and nothing at all between me and August 22nd when this ends. I will report my weight in the morning and it should be about what it was last week. But this old body will be dropping some pounds and doing it quickly and efficiently. I WILL POST my weight for everyone tomorrow and then my weekly report the rest of the way. (I would post pictures, but in an effort to not traumatize anyone I will not) (And even more than that, I would not want to lose my congressional seat)
But my loving family (Cassie is now included in this) gave me a long string of passive aggressive cards, and laughed and teased about how old I am. (Yes, tonight’s blog picture is the front of just ONE of my cards) I THOUGHT I was getting them back on my way home from my birthday dinner in Indianapolis when I slowed down, and turned on my left turn signal and drove for miles laughing my butt off in front of them. Of course THEY THOUGHT it was on purpose. You could see them laughing behind us….. hysterically. Of course I was confident I had the last laugh, but sadly I am wrong.
Since they thought I was a moron they filmed the whole thing. So for my 50th birthday apparently I am becoming a Youtube star. I will send you the link as soon as I get it.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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