An Additional Birthday Blessing……..

Really, yesterday was not all that bad… was rather good in fact. And one of the biggest blessings to me came when Mr. Gabe Lingenfelter got vested up and served in an acolyte robe for the first time. He had dabbled in it before, but we never had a robe the right size for him…..apparently we still do not. But he made the best of it and did a great job. It was very meaningful for him to do it on such a special day.

Gabe’s mom and dad (Kris and Jeff) are good friends. I officiated at their wedding years ago, and Gabe is their oldest. Jeff is now deployed in Iraq and I know misses all of them very much. He is a great guy, and he even posted a response to my post about my truck the other day with a picture of HIS new truck! Mine is the Wylie Coyote 1983 ACME Ford F-100. His appears to be some high tech spaceship kind of combat vehicle…..poor guy. Mines got an AM radio.
But yesterday was the first of many times I will get to serve with Gabe, and in turn then his sister, and my son (God help me). But I have to confess it was really cool. Gabe is a great kid and a joy to have around! He is already a great acolyte at just 7. Lord knows what he will be doing by 9!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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