Fixin er up………..

It seems I am an auto mechanic again, or at least a truck mechanic. One of the things about owning an old vehicle is that it often avails you the opportunity to fix it up. And of course I can look at a 1983 truck and actually see things I can fix without the need for a degree in quantum mechanics.

So thus far I have only had to replace a cracked windshield (which of course I left to the pros) but there is much more to do. I will have a blower to replace, a tailgate to repair, a bed to repair, a battery to secure, and now a gas tank to replace. (Thank God I am not a smoker!) But these will be added to the tons of other things I have already on my plate. And of course “on my plate” is a diet term that consistently raises my stress level, so I am off to a poor start.
But I have to say, I love this truck. It is drivable too….I mean other than leaking gasoline all over the place…….but by the weekend I should have that all fixed up.
After all, in this day and age gasoline is now liquid gold!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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