Camping….in a lacrosse sort of way……

Well here they are…..10 of my players, who I drove up to Northwestern University for a four-day lacrosse camp. Northwestern has a ton of National Championships and the players and coaches run the clinic, so it s a big bang (not to be confused with scientific theory) for our buck.

I however was unsure about this group. They were quiet, well-behaved, and generally a bit “mousy” on the way up. There was no screaming, no stupid bus songs or Broadway tunes, and to be quite honest, it was the easiest and least stressful drive of my entire career… and non-church included. It, in fact, was pretty cool.
They have already texted me a few pictures and they seem like they are having fun. It is a great camp. And they will leave there better players, and not just that, but better players who want to be even better.
So my drive home was similar to my drive there….quiet. We will see how this goes. I am hoping to pick up 10 very enthused players again on Monday!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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