Hitting Home….

It was pretty hard for me to read that Peter Falk had died. He also had Alzheimer’s like my mom, which made it even harder. Yes, I am a big fan of Columbo, and although that was my biggest Peter Falk admiration point, in my later years I was happy also to see him in one of my favorite movies…..”The Princess Bride.”

In all honesty, he most probably has been a non-intentional model for my life. He was all disheveled and seemingly unorganized. He never looked or acted like he knew what was going on. His character was disarming, and it allowed people around him to feel superior and then almost granted them permission to be careless, which they often did.
But his character comes from a school that I grew up in, the one where people never puff themselves up. They don’t talk about how wonderful they are, or how much they know, or all that they have accomplished, they just live life. It reminded me a lot of many of the veterans I have met from the great World Wars. Many are heroes (although ALL of them are in my book) and many have seen things that would shock the hardest man……yet none speak of the details. They instead focus upon looking ahead in life. Sacrifice has no purpose if it does not make a difference in the future. Ultimately it is not about what we have accomplished as much is it is about how what we have done will effect what lies ahead.
Anyway, perhaps that is a bit more in depth into a character than any soul should be, but it was something that shaped me.
Thanks Columbo for catching my attention…Lord knows not a lot did in those days.
And oh yes…..just one more thing…….
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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