Put a tiger in your tank………

This is what happens when Scott and his girlfriend Lizzie take Ben to the zoo…..he comes back as a different species. Well, no really. When I asked Ben if he was a tiger now, he said “no.” But as he explained it, he was really some sort of “Tiger Luke Skywalker” who apparently is sometimes “the evil Luke.” Oh yes, the boy has some problems! Thank God however that he is cute.

But late in the day the identity-confused tiger, his siblings and I met for dinner. Amanda often takes them out for dinner together when I am gone, mostly because Scotty loves seafood and I am allergic. So they go someplace they can get that. I however wanted to do that myself, sans the seafood of course…..so we went to Applebees (no shirt, no shoes, no service…..but tigers allowed) It was a great time too. I can see why she does it.
Now however, the countdown begins……we have just a little less than 48 hours to clean the house! No Tiger moms to motivate us here……Amanda is actually quite nice. But is she returns to the house in this condition, we are sure to see the Mommy Bear!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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