A request of a serious kind…..

I am going to ask you this evening for your prayers. After over three years since my stroke, I finally came to the realization that the medicines I am taking are preventing me from losing weight….and in fact have been the reason I struggle with my weight.

This was confirmed today with my doctor, who is actually my NEW doctor, but the one who was the one to tell me I had the stroke. (My doctor then, his partner, was on vacation) But the bottom line was that I was 60 pounds lighter at the time, yet my activity level was the same. It is a glaring reality to me, yet the very idea of going off this medicine is frightening. I however, agreed with him…..we need to see if I can. After all, what’s the use of being sane if I die of a heart attack. I have been on this stuff for three years……we have no idea of what I will be like without it…other than thinner.
So please keep me in your prayers. To say I am not petrified about his would be an understatement…..but I begin to wean off the meds tomorrow. AND if all goes well I will be off ALL of them in 60 days….and thinner.
I personally believe it is worth the risk. I spoke to Amanda tonight from Belgium and she supports my decision. I have yet to reduce the does, yet it is already a hard road stress wise. Please keep us in your prayers. I intend to walk this road, and with God’s help I hope it is a good one!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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