Making it home…….

Sadly, when Amanda returned home tonight from her trip to Belgium she had with her gifts of chocolate, but NO waffles. It was great to see her anyway. But I was really wanting a waffle. I don’t know for sure, but maybe Belgium Waffles are really like French Fries…….having nothing to do with the country.

But the big thing is that Amanda got home, and more importantly, in time for Ben’s birthday tomorrow. He will be FOUR and with international travel, coming home just a few hours before the big day is cutting it close.
But we are all exhausted and with the blessed event in our sights, I must just give in and call it a day. Today was day one of weaning off my medicine and so far so good. I am just hopeful everyday goes as well.
Off to bed I go……sans Belgium Waffles.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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