July 1st…..YEE HA!

Dear Lord, this post was up and then suddenly disappeared. But I will do my best to retype it as I remember.

But the very best thing I was able to do today was to REMOVE all the leftover birthday cake from Ben’s birthday and take it to the trash. There is no longer anything here in the house that calls my name like that stupid cake. Sadly however, that is all I remember from the post!
But it was also a day that Ben and I spent together. Cindy is still on vacation. AND, Amanda, Steph, and Scott were all working. The job fell to me…..as it had all this week. My job is a bit harder with a 4 year old in tow, particularly now that he asks me something detailed about Star Wars or the Transformers every 4.3 seconds. I always am wrong in my response (after all, he is his mother’s son) but he asks me nonetheless. And I intended to get onto some work that I could not have him talk through when we got back home, but he had exhausted me, so we took that nap together…..though I am sure I may have fallen asleep first.
So it is July 1st. No more cakes, some cookouts, but nothing too dangerous. I am glad it is here. I was beginning to believe I was going to need cake rehab.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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