Truckin it……

The old gas tank straps are off the truck, and it took forever. The bolts clearly held out through three steel-bit saw blades and their resistance took away the rest of the daylight we had to work with. I need to get this truck running, because if I don’t soon I might as well buy 4 blocks to put it up on in the drive. It is an eyesore when not running. (It is a blurry one when it is)

But we may not have time to take on such a project until the 4th. With services tomorrow and the kids heading out of town to visit their cousin, it will make a two-man job too much. But of course nothing says 4th of July like waking up early and working on your old Ford truck! It will be a proud day I am sure.
The hard parts however are done and we will get it up and going. It has been fun for me. I not only get to do this with my son, but there is often the absence of tangible things in my vocation, so it is great to have a project to work on that I can see……particularly when I get to work that project with my son!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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