Missed a trip I wanted to be on…..

Today I had to work, so I missed a trip put together by my father that I was invited to to go see my niece in Evansville. Amelia is the daughter of my sister Stephanie (Steph died in 2001) and I have not seen her in quite some time. BUT Steph and Scott, as well as my sister Anna, were able to make the trip yesterday.
I will say that the picture is NOT EVEN REMOTELY RECENT. Amelia is 16 now! But apparently everyone had a camera on their phone, but no one thought to take a picture. This is Amelia as a little kid! I am sure she has all her adult teeth and everything now!
But bothers me a great deal that I have not seen her, and of course that is my fault and not hers. I have been through the area a few times and always have visited my sister’s grave, yet it has always been spontaneous and not planned. I will not use that as an excuse, because it would be a poor one. But I will commit myself to doing a better job in the future. My nieces and nephews are great kids and I can do a better job. I love them all.
So I will take a look at when I can get to see them all. Two live in Virginia (Griff and Katie), two live in Utah (Kayla and Logan), and of course Amelia lives in Indiana. Maybe the next few months will find me doing a better job.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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