End of the rope……

I always wondered where the expression, “I am at the end of my rope” came from, but I am certain it does not matter…..I am at the end of my rope.

I think I just need some rest. There is just too much happening around me, and quite honestly I am not sure what to do with all of it. It is not that I am indecisive, or even incapable, it’s that it is just more than is healthy for me to deal with at the moment. PLUS, most of what is causing all this will wait for me (a lot of it will wait forever too!) So in the interest of health and even more importantly, sanity, I have decided to “let it ride”. (I think that is a gambling term, but I am not sure…….I have never been a gambler)
So I have set aside the day and hit the reset button as it were…..Dear Lord I hope it reboots! But the big part is setting things aside before they get out of control. I just need to regroup, reframe, and meet all of it with a fresh perspective in the morning.
At least that’s the plan!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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