A preemptive strike………

Although I was to leave first thing in the morning for Peoria (I have an ordination there on Saturday), I am savvy enough to know when packing too much into one day is a bad idea. The last few weeks, but particularly the last few days, have been close to overload. So I decided to head to Illinois tonight.

And, it has been a good idea. I have A LOT to do, and I am now in my hotel room and able to do it without distraction. In addition to that, as you can see, I like the room COLD. (Amanda hates such things.) But for 2 nights I will ice it up and sleep hopefully like a baby! Or at least like a polar bear.
The good news is that it will make the trip a lot less stressful, and I can get some things done tonight as well as in the morning, and do so without having to worry about the drive and the day. I can work a bit tonight, get a good night’s sleep, and still get a lot done in the morning. PLUS, after the ordination and festivities, I should have a few more hours tomorrow night to work too! The Bishop will be heading back to Indiana on Sunday and Monday, so getting ahead of the work will not be a bad thing.
But for now I think I will stand over the air conditioner and breathe it all in! Please keep Greg Lynn in your prayers tomorrow as he will be ordained a priest. It will be a big day.
Thankfully, with some good rest, I should be at my best!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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