It is over…..

After having a mustache since I was about 18 (I am 25 now….I mean 50) tonight was the last straw. No one meant anything by it, because the people around me really do like me, but tonight it was just too much.

You see, after my stroke in April of 1998 one of my eyelashes got a white spot on it… big deal, right? No, not really. But I cannot tell you how many times people have politely told me I have “something in my eye.” LOTS OF TIMES! But in truth, I don’t.
THEN, my face started to loose hair and pigment, no, not in a Michael Jackson sort of way, but it WAS noticeable…..and ALL of it was on the one side….the side of the eyelash. Of course I mentioned this to my neurologist who said, “I think it is unrelated to the stroke.” Which led me to wonder why I go to doctors, since that is the the “coincidence of the century!”
But tonight the comments were about my mustache. The loss of pigment has invaded one side and lots of people mention it. But tonight, here in Peoria, one guy complimented me as if it was on purpose. It caught my attention. As a matter of fact, a few people mentioned it. And when I mentioned it to the Bishop, who is a long-time close friend, he said it actually looks like I have half a mustache and shave the other half. I thought he was joking.
But upon the return to my hotel room, one of my players had posted some pictures of me at the lacrosse banquet about a month ago, and do you know what? The bishop wasn’t joking. I looked absolutely stupid. And I considered my options…..but only for about 3 seconds. I went right into the bathroom and shaved it off. The hair on my head will be next, but please do not tell my wife.
And in truth, it was not as traumatic as I thought it would be. I suppose looking stupid has it’s privileges! But it will NOT come back until either all my hair loses its pigment or someone staples a new one to my face. I do look different, but thank God people will no longer thing that I am some type of “fashion weirdo” anymore!
Thank God I had a razor and clearly the Brian Urlacher jersey helped to ease the pain!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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