Tales from home……..

Well I am finally home and it is a good thing too. I am not too tired, but it is good to be amongst the chaos that I not only completely understand, but that I am responsible for as well. I was able to arrive home, get a shower, and then go pick up the Bishop for dinner, since he had also driven over from Illinois. (He lives in Ohio)

Our gathering tonight was just to be social. He works hard enough, and we want him to just get refreshed when he is here. We always get him a hotel room, and then we took him to dinner. We didn’t talk business, we just goof around. It was Fr. PT and his wife Jewel, my wife, Ben, Scott and Cassie, and our Parish Intern Robert, his wife Mary Ann and their son Kaleb! It was good food and good times. AND it was nice to just have dinner with an old friend and not have to do any work.
But Jewel wanted a picture of the Bishop and clergy after the dinner, to which he replied, “I’d rather have my picture taken with the women!” He sees US all the time, but she got her way….he took his picture with us. But not to be outdone, I took the one you see here….with our wives and Cassie. It clearly is a better picture than the one with us, and I hope you enjoy it!
We however will be working soon enough. The Bishop is back at the hotel and we will be meeting with our clergy tomorrow morning at St. Patrick’s. It is probably going to be hard for him, as this is now a larger gathering of the same sorry lot he had dinner with tonight. But it will be his burden to bear…….they just work with me, but they are HIS clergy!
I will take him to lunch tomorrow before he heads back to Ohio to help ease his pain. It is just great to have him here.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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