Lucky to be alive……..

I went to take Amanda to work early this morning, leaving 3 teenagers and Ben alone and asleep in the house. Steph was up getting ready for work, but Scott (Ben’s roommate) and Cassie were asleep as well. I wondered what would happen if Ben got up while I was gone, but figured he would probably sleep well past when I got back. Of course I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Yep, I came home about an hour later, and as I entered the kitchen it was then that it happened. Ben came into the kitchen like the SWAT team, armed with the amazing dart gun you see in the picture, and pointed it at me as if I were an intruder. I have decided he is either some type of agent for the CIA or he is watching way too many things about the police, good guys and bad guys, and things like that. He had me though….I was unarmed.
I cannot say I am surprised though. He is all about being superheros, Transformers, and SOLDIERS (capitalized because it is actually more important than the other two)! And it pleases me far more than Barbies! I am just thankful he doesn’t carry a real one!
So I am lucky to be alive I suppose. He checked my ID and let me go with a warning. I am just glad he is there to protect us. Clearly the teenagers and that sleepy dog of mine leave something to be desired!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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