Excuse me??????????

I got home and Ben was all about talking to me……he is still hanging in my office asking a thousand questions. When you are 4 you miss things when they are out of your sight, and I have been gone for over 2 full days. He is no playing spaceships, but has played just about everything and asked me everything since I got home.

The best part was when he was playing with his “Pirates of the Caribbean” Legos that Scotty bought him for his birthday. The things are so very small that I cannot make them out, but the first thing he handed me was apparently Captain Jack’s compass. He asked, “Dad, is this Captain Jack’s compass?” And I replied, “I do not know Ben, I cannot see it. It is very small.” To which he replied, “it’s a compass, is it open?” I said, “I don’t know.” He said, “yes it is.” I said, “okay.”
A few minutes later he asked, “Are these Davey Jones’ testicles?” To which I said, “excuse me?” And he repeated himself quite clearly. So I said, “what do you mean?” And he said, “Are these Davey Jones’ testicles? You know can he see out of them?” To which I THOUGHT, “Oh my I hope not!” But then I got it……he had not clue……he was meaning TENTACLES. (see the picture)…….so I was relieved.
Of course I live with his older brother and sister whom I will QUIZ about this very story because it is a heck of a mispronunciation……but I am not anticipating any confession.
For now I will just laugh at the story and confess how it made my day. Having kids is always an adventure, and today upon my return I got one of those for sure!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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