Figuring it out……..

Well I had to laugh.  I certainly hope mind a few of these nostalgic pictures, but this one was pretty pertinent to my life as of late.  It was when Ben was just one and a half months old, and about 9 months before my stroke.  And what I can clearly say was I was a lot smarter then, or at least living in similar times.

You see, Ben is a talker, and when I say talker I mean an incessant one unless he is distracted (i.e. Spongebob, Minecraft, etc.) I generally work from home and have an office there too, and whereas he would interrupt me all the time to see him in some sort of costume, (regardless of what I was doing yes, even while on important phone calls),  now he does so by talking incessantly (see above).

Now this absolutely baffles me as well as my family, especially my kids.  I would tell them to stop something or give them “the eye,” and they would stop.  Ben however seems immune to such things.  I can be on the phone talking and have given him prior (advanced and detailed, definitely advanced and detailed) warning, and yet I can be on a call and he will walk right in to impart some pertinent and urgent information (meaning probably pertinent and urgent to no one on God’s good earth but him) about something (generally off topic) about anything but what I need to talk about.  I am on the phone!

And yes, he has been through the entire gamut of of warnings and punishments short of anything “currently” illegal like pubic stockades.  Yet despite such things he still will come to you talking and when you remind him of what he is doing he looks at you with a baffled look as if he is thinking, “Surely dad you have come to you senses. Now let me tell you about this.”

But this picture tonight reminded me that I need not give up looking for a solution.  At about 45 days the solution was obviously formula, but it not only kept him from interrupting, but put him to sleep too.  Yet I am sure he will figure all this out before I do.  But it is just nice to remember a time when it was pretty easy.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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