On blogs, theology, headlocks, and blessings……

I read all sorts of things, and at times when I think about this blog I wish that I was writing some sort of deep theological tome or insightful observation from life that would be a bit more blog-worthy in the sea of such insightfulness that we now know as the “blogusphere.”

And of course a few years back, that was exactly the intention of this blog. It started at the time when I had decided to retire from the Episcopal Church, and was going to be a forum of sorts on theology, both good and bad, that no doubt would have been read by about three people (if you counted me). But really, there are plenty of those out there, not just on theology, but politics, and they often seem to be written by writers with a lot to say, but even more of which to let go. And the very fact that they cannot leads me to that I should be very thankful for the fact that I have been able to move on from where I was.
Please do not misunderstand me. I think there IS good theology, and I KNOW I have it. But at some point we need to stop talking about it and battling about it and then just live it. People are going to go where they feel regardless. And although you can witness to them about what it is you believe, head-locking them is really (in my mind at least) not effective Evangelism.
So if there is no objection, or even if there is, I intend to still just use my time here as post-stroke therapy and to just write about what I feel like writing about. It may be deep, or it may not be. I really don’t care. I am just thankful that you my dear friends walk with me on my journey. And I hope and I pray that your lives will be every bit as blessed as mine.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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